6 Top Tips on What To Look For When Renting An Apartment

Apartment Hunting

You finally did it! You’ve taken the first few steps to find for your very own apartment. But, do you know what to look for when renting an apartment?

When you make a life change as significant as moving into a new apartment, tons of questions may pop up in your mind. “What neighborhood do I want to call home? What amenities do I want? How far am I willing to travel? What is my new apartment budget?”

That’s where we come in. In this article, we are going to give you our 6 top tips on what to look for when renting an apartment so you can have peace of mind when it comes to apartment hunting.

No matter where you are searching or what your apartment budget is, keep this advice in mind before you sign the lease! Let’s get started.

what to look for when renting an apartment

1. Check the Cosmetics

First and foremost, always check the apartment’s cleanliness and structure. As a general rule of thumb, this is what to look for when renting an apartment:

  • Clean carpets
  • Unmarked tile or hardwood floors
  • No water stains
  • No mold or mildew patches

Most importantly, make sure there are no cracks or holes in the wall, ceiling, or flooring. Gaps and holes are a beacon of light for uninvited pests. You will want to ensure that all walls, baseboards, and outlets are secure and gap-free.

Take a Mental Picture

Next, jot down a mental note of the overall state of the apartment before you sign a lease. This will tell you how attentive the landlord or management company is to their property. It will also save you the headache of repainting and detailing once you move in.

2. Analyze Appliances

state of the art oven at Richman Signature Properties

Next up, it’s time to take a look at all existing appliances!

Laundry Appliances

If you’re lucky enough to have a washer and dryer in your apartment, you will want to make sure they are in tiptop shape. Always ensure that the hoses and lint traps aren’t clogged.

Even if they are in a shared space, take note of their condition and the condition of the room they are in.

Shower and Bath Appliances

Next, inspect all sinks, tubs, and showers.

It’s a good idea to test out your shower and tub before you move in. A tub that gives a bit under pressure could be a result of damage. So take a few steps in it and make sure it (and all its fixtures) seem secure.

Pro-tip: Showers, tubs, and sinks should also be checked for water pressure. You should speak up if you feel a significant delay in the water heating up. That could be a plumbing issue you’ll want to address before moving in.

A/C and Heater

Lastly, make sure the following appliances are in good working condition:

  • Fans
  • A/C
  • Heaters

You don’t want to wait until you are in the middle of a heatwave to realize the a/c is faulty!

3. Consider the Neighborhood

When it comes to neighborhoods, take into consideration your lifestyle needs, the location of the apartment, and the desirability of the neighborhood. Keep reading to know what to look for when renting an apartment in a specific neighborhood.


beautiful outdoor lounge with fireplace

When you wake up in the morning, do you want to hear the soft sounds of the suburbs or the energizing tune of the city? Do you prefer to cook breakfast yourself or do you want to visit a local coffee shop next to your building? Do you want to walk or bike around the city or do you prefer to drive?

What you want out of your dream neighborhood really depends on your daily lifestyle. Your neighborhood won’t change because you moved there. Therefore, you should understand what you want before settling in.

This leads us to our next point.


So, you found your dream apartment. Every amenity you wanted is at your fingertips, and it’s within your price range! The only catch is it’s an hour away from your job. Whoops!

When you’re renting an apartment, location is extremely important. A good rule of thumb is to decide what you deem important to live near and go from there. This will become a huge factor the longer you live somewhere, so it should be a priority when renting. 

4. Pet-Friendly Apartments

If you’re shopping for yourself and your fur baby, you will want to ensure your building is pet-friendly. Some apartments have strict rules about pets, breeds, and even sizes. These factors can really affect how accommodating your new apartment is to your pet!

Pro-tip: Take a look around your apartment community and neighborhood! If you are a dog lover, then you may want to see if there are any dog parks or dog beaches nearby so you can conveniently spend some time in the sun with your furry best friend.

5. Survey Amenities

what to look for when renting an apartment

Sometimes it’s refreshing to have EVERYTHING at your fingertips. That being said, desirable amenities should be high up on the list of what to look for when renting an apartment.

If you are an entertainer, be sure to check if your apartment has a common area where you and your friends can hang out. This could be in the form of a BBQ area, a community pool, or a clubhouse.

Want to work out or play games in peace? Multiple recreational areas, such as a built-in gym or game room are a great resource! Have a car? Make sure your property has a good parking options.

As you can see, the right amenities can make a world of difference while you’re living in an apartment. So make sure yours has everything you need.

6. Catch a View

beautiful veranda showing the city in the background

The stunning views of a cityscape or lively trees outside your window can make a world of difference. Whether you are looking over a big city or the coastline, the right view can help you wind down after a long day.

Here’s some good news: You don’t have to have a penthouse to have a gorgeous view. Your apartment could look over a courtyard, a lovely lake, or even a neighborhood mural!

It’s a nice extra touch to have a view out of your windows that you genuinely enjoy.

Find Your Dream Apartment with Richman Signature

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If you follow this checklist, you will find yourself in the apartment you’ve always dreamed of. Need more apartment hunting tips and tricks? Richman Signature is here to help!

From San Diego and Dallas to Miami and other cities around the nation, Richman Signature can help you find the perfect apartment for your lifestyle.

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